1. Tourism and Recreation Receptors Scoped Out
1.1. Introduction
- The following tourism and recreation receptors were scoped out of the tourism and recreation assessment set out in Volume 1, Chapter 14. These receptors will not be directly impacted by the Proposed Development and are unlikely to have any visibility of the Proposed Development as shown on the bare earth Zone Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) (Volume 2, Figure 14.5).
1.2. Tourism Receptors Scoped Out
- The following visitor attractions and beaches listed in Table 1.1 Open ▸ were identified through the methodology described in Volume 1, Chapter 14, Section 14.6 as potential tourism receptors. During assessment they were scoped out.
Table 1.1: Visitor Attractions and Beaches Scoped Out
- The following tourist accommodation providers listed in Table 1.2 Open ▸ were identified through the methodology described in Volume 1, Chapter 14, Section 14.6 as potential tourism receptors. During assessment they were scoped out.
1.3. Recreation Receptors Scoped Out
- The following recreational paths, core paths, long distance routes and cycle paths listed in Table 1.3 Open ▸ were identified through the methodology described in Volume 1, Chapter 14, Section 14.6 as potential recreational receptors. During assessment they were scoped out.
Table 1.3: Recreational Receptors Scoped Out